Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Samplers Complete

This week I actually found some time to quilt.  I finished all of the eight blocks for "Wing and  a Prayer" that go around the center medallion.  Here are the last three.

This is sampler block 6.  Looks fairly simple, doesn't it?  But did you ever have one of those days when you manage to turn around pieces and have to have "do-overs"?  I can't tell you how much ripping I had to do.  My daughter tells me to say this mantra, "The ripper is my friend."  But by the time I finished this block, the mantra had become, "The ripper is my @&!%---!."  Finally I got it right.

Now sampler block 7 had 77 pieces.  You'd think that this would be the one to give me fits.  However, it went to together like a dream.  It was a bit time consuming, but was so much fun to do.

Lastly, block 8 came into being.  I really like the colors and design of this block.

So now it is onward to make the medallion center block this week.  It is 18 1/2 inches.  I'm so looking forward to seeing it come to fruition. 


  1. I like the top one. Both in composition and and in color.

    Did I tell you I was bragging about you last week? Went to Charlotte's here in Newton and I saw a smaller version of the asian quilt you had done hanging on the wall. I pulled up the HDR of yours on my blackberry and showed the checkout girl your masterpiece!

  2. Beautiful blocks all! But my favorite is the center one.

  3. I can see totally how that block would have given you problems. I feel for you on the ripping. Been there, done that a time or two. All of them are gorgeous blocks. I like the colors you're using and those lovely batiks.
