Monday, January 23, 2012


This was another week where other considerations took precedent over sewing.  I worked on the cookbook and finally have all the writing completed.  I'm down to preparing some of the dishes so they can be photographed for the cover.  Oh, darn!  That means I have to do some cooking.  Of course, cooking is another of my favorite things to do.  Such torture!  Woe, is me!  Actually it is rewarding to do the cooking and then try to make the dish look like they do in the magazines.  Well, I may never quite achieve that as I'm definitely lacking in any kind of photography skills.  But here are the dishes I cooked today.

                                                             Pot Roast and Spaghetti

                                                                  Mediterranean Salad

As far as sewing goes, I was able to complete Block 5 of the Wing and a Prayer quilt.  Since it is a new twist on Bear Paw, there were 60 pieces in the block.  Does having a lot a pieces count for my lack of having much to show?  I've always wanted to do a Bear Paw so having it in the sampler has added to the fun.

My daughter and I had to feed our fabric addiction this week with a trip to Material Girls.  She had received a 25% discount coupon from them for her birthday and it was about to run out.  I planned to just "look".  Well, you probably know the end of this story already.  I was lucky to escape with spending less than $15 by finding beautiful fabrics in the sale bin.  (The "rotten rack" as my mother-in-law always called sale racks).
Most of the fabrics in this store run $9-$14 per yard.  The sale fabrics were only $5 per yard.  And, Oh, darn, again, you had to buy in 1 yard cuts.  I chose two fabrics that were metallic (the two on top) and another that was complimentary in color.  Since I have no clue what I'll make with these fabrics, I thought it best if I bought 2 yards of each.  I let Michelle pay for them so I got in on the 25% off too.  Does a trip to the fabric store count as sewing for the week?


  1. That leaf print fabric really caught my eye. Such pretty colors. Doing that bear's paw block in those batiks really puts it over the top. Love the dimension it gives it. I can actually envision a bear walking through the forest with the colors you've chosen.

    Your food looks good. Have you ever visited The Pioneer Woman blog (just Google it)? I think you would love it, and drool over both her recipes and her photos.

  2. Yesterday during our outing I'd mentioned to Bill that unlike last time, this time I'd eaten a small breakfast of toast and your HOMEMADE jelly. He looked over and admitted he'd had the same.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog.
    I see you are doing a cook book. Is it to be published? Last year I made up a cookbook for my kids with all their favourites. They are always ringing up asking how to make family favourites. Whenever I make anything these days I photograph it, either for the blog or the cookbook. It amazing where writing a blog leads you as well as making new friends all over the world.
    I'm off now to explore yours

  4. I can attest that both of those dishes are quite yummy!

    That block, like all the others you've made for this quilt is stupendous! And of course going to the fabric store counts as sewing.
