Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Kitties

I want to thank Shay for hosting Favorite Things Friday  so I could post about our new family additions.

We finally have two new Quilt Inspectors.  Yes, Christmas kitties!  Michelle and I have adopted two rescue cats from the local Humane Society.  It has been over a year since I've had a pet.  I would keep saying, "Someday I want to get a cat to keep me company."  But I'd would come up  with excuses like, " What if I wanted to travel?"  (I hate traveling.)  or "Do I really want the responsibility (cleaning the litter box)?"  Or "What kind of cat do I want (adult or kitten)?"  But last weekend, Michelle broached the subject so we were off on a cat hunt.

We drove to Pet Smart, having a lead on a gray female, filled out the paper work, then we were told it would be 3-5 days with no guarantee we would be chosen as adoptive parents.  So we headed to the new Humane Society recently built here in Wichita.  A beautiful, fabulous facility with large glass cages with climbing trees for each cat and soft snuggly beds for the dogs.  They actually were low on adult cats, but had two the staff thought we might be interested in.

There was very little information on the first kitty they brought us as she had been a stray.  She is a tiny cat with a notched ear.  Plainly you could see she had had a hard time on the street.  Immediately, she climbed in my lap, made her way to my neck, put both paws around it, and began to snuggle in.   Okay!  That did it!  She was going home.

Then the volunteer said that before we made our decision maybe we would want to look at one other cat--a long haired orange cat that had been placed with them because her previous owners had health problems and were unable to take care of her.  She, too, was a lover.  It became obvious that she was going home too.

After five days our family is adjusting well.  Cinnamon (the black and orange cat) and Lovebug (the orange cat) are learning our routines as we are theirs.  What a beautiful way to celebrate the holidays!


  1. Aw, they are so sweet! I wish I weren't allergic; I would love a couple of cats. Good for you for adopting them and giving them a good home!

  2. Heh! Got to love these two new QIs, don't we? They just bring the house to life.

  3. You can't be without Quilt Inspectors. Cinnamon and Lovebug, great names.
    I'm so glad you could give these cute fur babies a home.

  4. Very sweet. I hope they are good quilt inspectors. It is wonderful that you adopted older cats .. so often they don't get adopted.

  5. Uh oh...Torty's are notoriously temperamental. I have one and she acts all nice one day and like a possessed thing the next. I hope your little girl is an angel.

    Love that ginger lad. Ginger cats are my favourite kind.

    Good on you for taking the plunge and giving two beautiful animals a new home. They really are gorgeous looking felines.

  6. So glad to hear everyone is acclimating! Congratulations!

  7. Lovely to give them a new loving home. I'm not a cat person but it is lovely when pet's are giving another chance at happiness and safety.

  8. Oh they are so cute and were obviously meant for you. I hope you have many years of furry love. Good on you for giving rescue babies a loving home.

  9. Oh how I love hearing about pets going to good homes! This is a GREAT favorite thing!!!! I am a huge animal lover and appreciate those that take in animals from shelters. Thank you for giving these little lovelys a warm, loving home! :o)
